AOC is fast reliable and easy to use Option Chain Calculator

Get OI, Volume and greeks data on a single page.

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AOC provides historical data for back testing and improving your skills as an option trader

Free Backtesting data for learning, practicing and improving your skills as option trader

Backtesting is free for all without any subscription.

Get insight on multiple strike prices on a single page

Multi Strike Price OI data, elevates your trading experience

Get insight on multiple strike prices on a single page

Live OI buildup that updates auto matically

Live OI buildup that updates auto matically

–Simple and easy Oi Buildup

Advance Option Chain (AOC) started as a hobby project back in Feb 2023, when I was learning about option chain data and how to use it to trade in the stock market. I was looking for a tool to help me calculate the market range, reversal and trend for the day. I found some tools but they were not free and I was not sure if they were reliable.

So I decided to build my own tool which is free, reliable and fast. I have been using this tool for my trading, which has helped me make a profit.

The tools I found online were good but the owner was too arrogant and was not ready to listen to the feedback, he claimed well-known theories in the stock market as his own inventions and was too proud of something that is well known for years.

I have been a software developer for more than 10 years and I know how important it is to listen to feedback and improve the product. So I decided to build my own tool and make it free for everyone to use. Thus Advance Option Chain (AOC) was born. Later I added more features to it; now it is the most advanced and reliable option chain tool available in India.

But just building a tool was not enough, making it accessible and understandable to traders was the main challenge. To take on the challenge I created a YouTube channel and tried to explain my learning and experience in stock market and AOC in the most natural and easy-to-understand language as much as possible.

Soon the tool (AOC) and my videos got the most encouraging feedback I could ever imagine. Later I created a telegram group to discuss about stock market and AOC. The group is growing fast and we have more than 1000 members in the group. I am very happy to see that people are using AOC and making a profit in their trading.

I hope you will like this tool and it will help you to make a profit in your trading.

I am always open to feedback and suggestions. Please feel free to contact me on telegram, YouTube or via email. I will be happy to help you.

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